



// Create Ranorex.Button adapter using ‘FindSingle’ method
// from Host.Local (starting at root node) with absolute RanoreXPath
// Note: ElementNotFound exception is thrown if item is not found within
// the specified timeout of 2000 ms.
Ranorex.Button addButtonVar1 = Host.Local.FindSingle<Ranorex.Button>(“/form[@controlname=’formVipApplication’]/button[@controlname=’btAdd’]”,2000);

// Alternatively you can use the ‘TryFindSingle’ method to prevent
// a test case from failing because of an exception thrown if
// the element is not found within the specified timeout of 2000 ms
Ranorex.Button addButtonVar2 = null;
bool found = Host.Local.TryFindSingle<Ranorex.Button>(“/form[@controlname=’formVipApplication’]/button[@controlname=’btAdd’]”, 2000, out addButtonVar2);
// Move mouse pointer to button

// Request a list of buttons shown from the VIP Database application
// and create a screenshot for each button in the report file
IList<Ranorex.Button> buttonList = Host.Local.Find<Ranorex.Button>(“/form[@controlname=’formVipApplication’]/button”,500);
foreach (Ranorex.Button bt in buttonList)

// Using find methods in combination with existing Ranorex repository items
Ranorex.Button btAdd = repo.MyApp.Self.FindSingle<Ranorex.Button>(“button[@controlname=’btAdd’]”,2000);



‘ Create Ranorex.Button adapter using ‘FindSingle’ method
‘ from Host.Local (starting at root node) with absolute RanoreXPath
‘ Note: ElementNotFound exception is thrown if item is not found within
‘ the specified timeout of 2000 ms.
Dim addButtonVar1 As Ranorex.Button = Host.Local.FindSingle(Of Ranorex.Button)(“/form[@controlname=’formVipApplication’]/button[@controlname=’btAdd’]”, 2000)

‘ Alternatively you can use ‘TryFindSingle’ method to prevent
‘ a test case from failing because of an exception thrown if
‘ the element is not found within the specified timeout of 2000 ms
Dim addButtonVar2 As Ranorex.Button = Nothing
Dim found As Boolean = Host.Local.TryFindSingle(Of Ranorex.Button)(“/form[@controlname=’formVipApplication’]/button[@controlname=’btAdd’]”, 2000, addButtonVar2)
‘ Move mouse pointer to button

‘ Request a list of buttons from the VIP Database application
‘ and create a screenshot for each button in the report file
Dim buttonList As IList(Of Ranorex.Button) = Host.Local.Find(Of Ranorex.Button)(“/form[@controlname=’formVipApplication’]/button”, 500)
For Each bt As Ranorex.Button In buttonList

‘ Using find methods in combination with existing Ranorex repository items
Dim btAdd As Ranorex.Button = repo.MyApp.Self.FindSingle(Of Ranorex.Button)(“button[@controlname=’btAdd’]”, 2000)

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