
Ranorex使用异常处理来决定一个测试用例是失败还是成功。只要所有的ranorex方法都没有抛出异常(例如 Ranorex.Validate方法或是使用一个无效的对象库项),测试将会成功。如果你不想让Ranorex抛出异常,但是同时想自己决定是否一个测试用例失败,你需要在程序里抛出Ranorex异常。


Ranorex.Cell cellObject = null;
// Try to find a cell object using two
// different RanoreXPath expressions
bool found=false;
found = Host.Local.TryFindSingle<Ranorex.Cell>(“/form//table/row/cell[3]”, 2000, out cellObject);
found = Host.Local.TryFindSingle<Ranorex.Cell>(“/form//table/row/cell[4]”, 2000, out cellObject);
// If none of the expressions returns an object
// throw new ‘ElementNotFoundException’ and test case fails
if (!found)
throw new Ranorex.ElementNotFoundException(“Both RanoreXPath with no return”, null);
// If the value of attribute ‘Text’ does not equal to the expected value
// throw new ‘ValidationException’ to break the test case
if ( cellObject.Text == “MyExpectedTextValue” )
Report.Success(“User Specific Validation”,”Text validation of cell object succeeded”);
throw new Ranorex.ValidationException(“Text validation of cell object succeeded failed”);


Dim cellObject As Ranorex.Cell = Nothing
‘ Try to find a cell object using two
‘ different RanoreXPath expressions
Dim found As Boolean = Host.Local.TryFindSingle(Of Ranorex.Cell)(“/form//table/row/cell[3]”, 2000, cellObject)
found = Host.Local.TryFindSingle(Of Ranorex.Cell)(“/form//table/row/cell[4]”, 2000, cellObject)
‘ If none of the expressions returns an object
‘ throw new ‘ElementNotFoundException’ and test case fails
If Not found Then
Throw New Ranorex.ElementNotFoundException(“Both RanoreXPath with no return”, Nothing)
‘ If the value of attribute ‘Text’ does not equal to the expected value
‘ throw new ‘ValidationException’ to break the test case
If cellObject.Text = “MyExpectedTextValue” Then
Report.Success(“User Specific Validation”, “Text validation of cell object succeeded”)
Throw New Ranorex.ValidationException(“Text validation of cell object succeeded failed”)
End If
End If


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