Ranorex入门指南41 – 引用外部DLL


首先,我们需要用Visual Studio 2010来建立一个C#的DLL项目,其项目名叫MyRanorex,其中有一个类StringTest.cs,其代码如下:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace MyRanorex
public class StringTest
public string AddHello(string str)
return “Hello ” + str;



由于,我是在不同的机器上生成和使用DLL的,为了防止出现版本不兼容的问题,编译DLL的时候,将项目属性的目标框架设为了.net framework 2.0。如果你是在同一台机器上生成和使用DLL,则不需要做此步。

然后编译该项目,将生成的MyRanorex.dll拷贝到安装了Ranorex studio的机器上,然后在项目里面引用该DLL。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Threading;
using WinForms = System.Windows.Forms;

using Ranorex;
using Ranorex.Core;
using Ranorex.Core.Testing;

using MyRanorex;

namespace SimpleGUITest
/// Description of SimpleCode.

[TestModule(“AD31D9A0-458D-4B4E-BF25-B5D92EAFE8B6”, ModuleType.UserCode, 1)]
public class SimpleCode : ITestModule
SimpleGUITestRepository repo = SimpleGUITestRepository.Instance;
/// Constructs a new instance.

public SimpleCode()
// Do not delete – a parameterless constructor is required!

/// Performs the playback of actions in this module.

/// You should not call this method directly, instead pass the module
/// instance to the method
/// that will in turn invoke this method.
void ITestModule.Run()
Mouse.DefaultMoveTime = 300;
Keyboard.DefaultKeyPressTime = 100;
Delay.SpeedFactor = 1.0;



void DLLTest()
repo.SimpleGUI.SearchTimeout = new Duration(1000);
if (!repo.SimpleGUI.SelfInfo.Exists())
Host.Local.RunApplication(“C:\\SimpleGUI.exe”, “”, “”, false);

string str = “Ranorex”;

// clean the text field first
repo.SimpleGUI.Text.TextValue = “”;

// input
repo.SimpleGUI.Text.TextValue = str;



string result = repo.SimpleGUI.TextSay.TextValue;

StringTest stringTest = new StringTest();

string expectStr = stringTest.AddHello(str);

Report.Info(“The result text is ” + result);
Report.Info(“The expect text is ” + expectStr);

// we expect the check pass
Validate.IsTrue(result==expectStr, “Check result”);


StringTest stringTest = new StringTest();

string expectStr = stringTest.AddHello(str);

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